Dreamworks Dragons - The Dragons Wiki

Sharp Class dragons are vain and prideful, and they all possess sharp body parts. The Deadly Nadder, the Timberjack, and the Speed Stinger are grouped in this class.   

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Deadly Nadder[]

BLIND SPOT - If you stand right in front of a Nadder's nose, it won't be able to see you. Don't sneeze! 

SPINE TIME - Without warning the prickly Nadder can whip hundreds of sharp spines at you from its tail. Better play nice. 



Timberjack is a bigger dragon than the Scauldron, Typhoomerang, Boneknapper, Whispering Death, Screaming Death and the Snaptrapper.

Speed Stinger[]

The Speed Stinger is a swift, and flightless dragon. It resembles a theropod dinosaur in appearance, but with sail-like appendages on its head, back and legs. Its name is derived from the barbed stinger at the tip of its tail.
